Getting keys on the same day you are moving?

When moving house on the same day as getting the keys, it can be a tricky process. Moving house on its own is a stressful process. At SCOT REMOVALS, we are well-equipped to make your move as smooth as possible.
Open communication is key when booking any Removals Company, aside from the quote calculated for removing all your belongings and furniture from one house to another. Companies can charge you waiting time per hour if there is a delay in getting your keys. However, Scot removalsREMOVALS is one of the most affordable companies in Scotland. We only charge £60 per hour waiting time. We offer a LATE KEY WAIVER up to 1pm. Which means if you have booked us early in the morning and we having completed your removals in a couple of hours we will hold your belongings for FREE until 1pm. In most cases, 99.9% clients have their keys by then and are ready to complete the second part of the removal and no extra charges are made.
In some circumstances, you could get the keys at 4 pm so that we could hold your belongings for up to 5 hours. Many other companies would charge you 5 hours of waiting time, adding another lump sum to your initial quote. However, at SCOT REMOVALS our LATE WAIVER FEE would apply until 1 pm, and then we could offer you a £150 lump sum for the remaining 3 hours.
This way we make your move as hassle-free as possible. Therefore details like waiting time and charges must be discussed with Removal Companies in advance to ensure no problems occur. Doing this can make any same-day move possible with some good communication.